Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015

How can teacher self-assessment support innovative TET?

This video explains the nature of online self-assessment and the available tools to support it. It also provides top tips for teachers’ successful online professional development. The assessment expert, Janet Looney, answers the following questions: 

  • Why it is important for teachers to develop self-regulation and self-efficacy skills for online self-assessment? 
  • How can e-portfolios, rubrics, exemplars and game-based learning support online learning and assessment?
  • What do we know about online assessment tools which are integrated within existing online learning platforms?

1) What is the nature of online self-assessment when you are learning about a subject where there are no right answers?
In innovation there are no right answers, so assessment needs to reflect what works and what’s not working in real life. Teachers need to 

  • set goals
  • test ideas
  • monitor their progress
  • adjust their strategies 

2) Why it is important for teachers to develop self-regulation and self-efficacy skills for online self-assessment? 

Selfregulation refers to the learner’s ability to 
set goals
  • use effective strategies for learning
  • monitor their own progress
  • get and respond to feedback
  • assess their own progress. 

In an online learning environment, both self-regulation and self-efficacy are important. Many teachers don’t have that much experience working online, so they will need to build up their confidence over time. 

3) How can e-portfolios, rubrics, exemplars and game-based learning support online learning and assessment?

With an e-portfolio, learners may use mobile technologies (such as their smartphones) to record and upload examples of their work. They create a ‘data repository’, and are then able to look back at what they have done and to reflect on their learning, to see where they have developed new competences, and to identify areas for improvement or further learning.  

rubric is a set of criteria and standards typically linked to learning objectives. It is used to assess or communicate about product, performance, or process tasks. A scoring rubric is an attempt to communicate expectations of quality around a task.


Teachers can also find exemplars, games based learning and tracking tools helpful.

4) What do we know about online assessment tools which are integrated within existing online learning platforms?
In the platform digital moments the e-learners choose tasks, collaborate, and consult with peers who have expertise in the particular area.  

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