What ist TET?
This video provides a definition of Technology-Enhanced Teaching. It course is about improving Technology Enhanced Teaching, teaching to have a positive impact on the learning of our students.
Caroline points out that the new PISA study proved that students that use computer very frequently at schools have worse learning outcomes. Caroline asks herself if we should stop using technology at schools and gives herself a negative answer, because studies have proven that students who use computer moderately at school tend to have better learning outcomes than students who do so rarely.
This video provides a definition of Technology-Enhanced Teaching. It course is about improving Technology Enhanced Teaching, teaching to have a positive impact on the learning of our students.
Caroline points out that the new PISA study proved that students that use computer very frequently at schools have worse learning outcomes. Caroline asks herself if we should stop using technology at schools and gives herself a negative answer, because studies have proven that students who use computer moderately at school tend to have better learning outcomes than students who do so rarely.
Caroline also underlines that ICT has a pedagogical added value when it supports:
She concludes that adding 21st century technologies to 20th century teaching practices will not improve the effectiveness of teaching.
- individual learning
- formative assessment
- collaborative and project based approaches
She concludes that adding 21st century technologies to 20th century teaching practices will not improve the effectiveness of teaching.
The critical reflexion of the use of technology in teaching is very important. This is something that Caroline pointed out for us in the previous section too.
Technology Enhanced Teaching Competence =
- Proficiency in using ICT in teaching
- Ability to apply pedagogic and didactic judgement
- Awareness of implications for learning
Frameworks to better understand TET
- The European DIGCOMP framework (developing and unterstanding digital competence) It explores the development of digital competence for all citizens and not only for teachers.
- A framework for teachers is the Teacher standards public by the International Society for Technology in Education in 2007
- These standards are arranged under five headings:
- Facilitate and inspire students learning and creativity
- Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
- Model digital age work and learning
- Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
- Engage in professional growth and leadership
- UNESCO's ICT Competency framework for teachers, (download here the pdf) which emphasizes on the fact that it is not enough for teachers to have some ICT skills and be able to pass them over to their students. Teachers should assist students to become collaborative, creative and problem solving through using ICT, in order to be effective citizens and members of the workforce in the future.
- Three successive stages
- technology literacy
- knowledge deepening
- knowledge creation
- Spain's national framework for teachers digital competences developed by INTEF
- Three levels
- starting level
- intermediate level
- advanced level
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