Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

How can TET competence be meaningfully assessed?

In this video, the course coordinator, Caroline Kearney, reflects on module 1, and describes the next topics to be explored in Module 2, including an explanation of the learning activity you are expected to do at the end of the module.
 Caroline announces that module 2 looks at how teachers can effectively use self-assessment to improve their TET competence. 
In this week’s learning activity we have  to reflect on the processes of self- and peer-assessment. 

Here are some questions to help
1) Why and how is self and peer assessment important to me? 
2) When I have engaged in self and peer assessment about my professional practice in the past, what were the most useful benefits I gained from the processes and outcomes? 
3) And what about the aspects I have found most challenging when engaging in self and peer assessment? 
4) How often do I take part in self and peer assessment? What stops me from doing this more often (is this due to time constraints, to a lack of knowledge about the benefits or how to go about this effectively, or perhaps a school culture which doesn’t encourage this?)
5) Finally, what precise gains do I expect to receive from being involved in self and peer assessment, and how can I ensure I obtain them? And what are my biggest concerns and fears in this regard? How might I find ways to overcome these? 


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